Cody Drug

Are you experiencing menopause symptoms and are looking for natural relief options? There are many powerful vitamins and minerals that help promote hormone balance and improve how you feel, but one in particular is magnesium. This mineral is found in several foods, from leafy greens and whole grains to nuts, seeds, and beans, but a targeted supplement can provide enhanced levels of magnesium designed to give you relief from insomnia, hot flashes, and more. Read on to learn more about the best magnesium for menopause!

Magnesium & Women’s Health

Magnesium works alongside other important nutrients to support women’s hormones, and glucose metabolism, and even affect mental health. Here is a breakdown of both short and long-term benefits of magnesium for menopause:

Short-Term Benefits

woman with menopause
  • Sleep– insomnia or some other kind of sleep disorder is common with menopausal women; magnesium helps to regulate melatonin and other sleep hormones, boosting your sleep quality.
  • Mood– when you sleep better, your mood improves! Plus, magnesium’s role in the regulation of hormone balance helps too.
  • Hot flashes– one of magnesium’s best qualities is calming the brain, which not only helps with sleep and mood but also stabilizes your internal temperature regulation and hot flash frequency.
  • Metabolism– magnesium is also a key player in digestion and metabolism, which can improve a sluggish digestive system and metabolic issues, as well as give you a boost in energy production.

Long-Term Benefits

  • Bone health– menopausal women are at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis which results from the loss of bone mineral density. Magnesium is one of the building blocks of healthy bones.
  • Heart health– the risk of heart disease also increases after menopause, and magnesium is known for its effects on muscle and nerve function and is also associated with lower inflammatory markers.

How can magnesium benefit women with menopause?

Menopausal women can be susceptible to inadequate magnesium levels, and since nutritional deficiencies can have a direct impact on your health, it could be a good idea to ask your healthcare provider about taking a magnesium supplement. So how does magnesium help menopause symptoms? As mentioned above, it can support better sleep, less fatigue, fewer hot flashes, and improved mood. However, all magnesium supplements are not created equal, which is why we recommend ChillMag.

ChillMag: The Best Magnesium For Menopause

chill magnesium supplement

ChillMag contains two of the very best magnesium types for women’s health: magnesium glycinate and magnesium malate. Both ingredients– Albion®’s TRAACS® magnesium lysinate glycinate (mineral amino acid chelate) and Albion’s chelated dimagnesium malate– have been formulated for optimal absorption, ensuring your body is getting the maximum benefit from your supplement dose. With this powerful magnesium supplement, you’ll be well on your way to improving sleep, mood, and energy levels, as well as long-term benefits such as bone health and cardiac function.

Buy your bottle of ChillMag online today! We ship nationwide, and our monthly subscription gives you a special discount; plus, you won’t have to worry about remembering to order it every month. As always, if you have questions about the best magnesium for menopause, don’t hesitate to reach out to our pharmacy experts. We are only a phone call away and are happy to speak with you!

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