July 18, 2024

What are the Benefits of Berberine?

You may have noticed that berberine has become somewhat of a buzzword in the wellness community lately and for good reason! Berberine is a supplement that many people have found to be beneficial for weight loss and insulin resistance.

What are the Benefits of Berberine?

You may have noticed that berberine has become somewhat of a buzzword in the wellness community lately and for good reason! Berberine is a supplement that many people have found to be beneficial for weight loss and insulin resistance, so keep reading to learn more and get the answer to this FAQ– what are the benefits of berberine?

What is berberine?

Berberine is a chemical compound found in plants, specifically of the genus Berberis, i.e. goldthread, Oregon grape, and barberry. It’s also classified as an alkaloid with caffeine. Traditionally used as a yellow dye and also in Chinese medicine, berberine has been used for a very long time and is not a new ingredient by any means. With the rapid rise of popular weight loss medications like semaglutide, this natural supplement has also gained notoriety for its weight loss and blood glucose benefits when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

What are the benefits of berberine?

Research suggests that berberine can:

  • Boost metabolism: it specifically stimulates an enzyme called the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) which helps regulate metabolism and energy levels. 1.
  • Improve insulin resistance: not only does it help your body break down sugar but also makes insulin more effective.
  • Support gut health: it revs up beneficial bacteria in the gut and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to fight harmful toxins.
  • Promote healthy cholesterol levels: it supports normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lowering the risk for potential heart problems.
  • Helps with anxiety and depression: while more research is needed, berberine may be involved with producing serotonin, dopamine, and other important brain chemicals.

Other potential benefits include liver function, relief from canker sores (when applied topically), improving PCOS symptoms, and preventing UTIs and cystitis.

Who should take berberine?

Those who need a little extra help losing weight and have insulin resistance are great candidates for a berberine supplement. If you’re dealing with gut health issues like Crohn’s or IBD, ask your doctor about the pros and cons of berberine! As with any supplement, it’s vital to talk with your doctor before starting anything new. They know whether the current medications you’re taking could possibly interact with berberine as well as provide insight into your overall health goals.

A Berberine Supplement For You

Available in-store and online, our potent berberine supplement contains dihydroberberine (DHB), the natural bioactive form of berberine. We recommend taking 1 capsule 30 minutes before a meal twice a day (breakfast and dinner). Generally, berberine is well-tolerated; however, nausea or other digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea can be common side effects when starting berberine, so you can switch to once per day until more tolerable– it’s powerful stuff! And remember, berberine can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks of daily use to start seeing results.

Get Berberine Max today and let us know if you have any questions about dosing. Now you know– what are the benefits of berberine– and are one step closer to improving your overall health!