

Promotes Relaxation and Better Sleep by calming both the nervous system and muscles, reducing anxiety while relieving muscle cramps and tension.

Supports bone health by aiding calcium absorption for stronger bones.

Supports cardiovascular health circulation and lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels, improving blood flow, and reducing vascular resistance.



Improves memory, focus, and brain function while clearing brain fog for mental clarity all day.

Protects against cognitive decline by supporting brain function and reducing oxidative stress.

Supports mood balance by optimizing magnesium levels essential for emotional stability and well-being.


BrainMag (Mixed Berry)

Improves memory, focus, and brain function while clearing brain fog for mental clarity all day.

Protects against cognitive decline by supporting brain function and reducing oxidative stress.

Supports mood balance by optimizing magnesium levels essential for emotional stability and well-being.



Enhances focus, mental clarity, and cognitive health keeping you sharp, alert, and fully engaged all day long.

Enhances Memory Retention for improved recall and learning efficiency.

Supports Stress Management by promoting a calm, balanced mental state under pressure.


Omega Max

Supports healthy cholesterol levels by lowering triglycerides, boosting HDL (good cholesterol), and reducing LDL (bad cholesterol).

Supports joint comfort by reducing inflammation and enhancing flexibility for smoother, more comfortable movement.

Enhances cognitive function by supporting neurotransmitter activity.


Brain Focus Bundle

Enhances focus, mental clarity, and cognitive health keeping you sharp, alert, and fully engaged all day long.

Enhances cognitive function by supporting neurotransmitter activity.

Supports Stress Management by promoting a calm, balanced mental state under pressure.


Brain Health Bundle

Supports Healthy Mental Function

Supports Cognitive Health

Features magnesium L-threonate (as Magtein®), the only form of magnesium known to cross the blood brain barrier.
