July 01, 2024

10 Signs of High Cortisol & What to Do About It

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is a vital part of the endocrine system. It has the ability to suppress inflammation, regulate your body’s stress response, support your sleep cycle, and regulate other aspects of your health like blood sugar and blood pressure.

10 Signs of High Cortisol & What to Do About It

What is cortisol?

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is a vital part of the endocrine system. It has the ability to suppress inflammation, regulate your body’s stress response, support your sleep cycle, and regulate other aspects of your health like blood sugar and blood pressure. Often referred to as the “stress hormone”, cortisol affects your immune and metabolic function, your nervous and reproductive system, as well as heart health and many more!

Signs of High Cortisol

Here are some of the most common signs of high cortisol in women:

  • Weight gain in the midsection and face
  • High blood sugar/type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Sugar cravings
  • Easy bruising/stretch marks
  • Muscle weakness
  • Irritability/mood swings
  • Severe fatigue/insomnia
  • Brain fog/difficulty concentrating
  • Chronic headaches

Many of these symptoms overlap with other hormonal imbalances, so it’s often necessary to get a medical test to confirm your symptoms are the result of high cortisol levels.

What causes high cortisol?

Now you know the signs of high cortisol, but what exactly causes this hormone to become out of control? Stress is a big factor here, as chronic, constant feelings of stress trigger your body’s natural fight or flight response, and it doesn’t turn off. Hyperpituitarism, the medical term for an overactive pituitary gland, could also be the culprit. Additionally, adrenal gland conditions such as Cushing’s Syndrome, tumors, or medication side effects can also result in high cortisol levels.

How to Treat High Cortisol Levels

Some cases require specific medications or treatments to fix cortisol levels, but here are a few tips to reduce stress and get relief from your symptoms:

  • Rest– take a look at these ways to get better sleep in addition to our sleep support supplement recommendations!
  • Exercise– being physically active can boost your sleep, mood, and overall sense of well-being, even if it’s just a walk around the block!
  • Mindfulness– deep breathing techniques, journaling, yoga, and other acts of self-care can help lower your stress levels.
  • Hobbies– doing activities that you enjoy and making time for yourself does wonders for your mind and body!
  • Community– strengthening personal relationships, laughing, and opening up to those around you fosters an environment for personal growth.

The signs of high cortisol can creep up on you, so prioritizing the tips mentioned above will help you stay physically and mentally healthy! We also have expert advice regarding which supplements could be the most beneficial for stress, sleep, and other aspects of women’s health– specifically magnesium! Read – Should I Take A Magnesium Supplement?– to learn more!